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The Italian Sports Center is a non-profit association, founded on voluntary work, which promotes sport as a moment of education, growth, commitment and social aggregation, inspired by the Christian vision of man and history in the service of people and the territory.
Among the oldest sports promotion associations in our country (founded in 1944 by the Catholic Action), the CSI responds to a demand for sport that is not only numerical but qualified on a cultural, human and social level.
Young people have always been his main point of reference, even if the sporting activities promoted are aimed at all age groups. Educating through sport is the mission of the Italian Sports Center. This is now consolidated in the practice and awareness of the association at all levels.
An organized, continuous, serious sporting activity, promoted by educators, coaches, referees, managers aware of their educational "mandate", helps young people to go further, to abandon selfishness and to face the path of sharing, of experimenting with limits , of self-knowledge. Precisely for this reason, the CSI provides for an articulation of the sporting proposal in compliance with the ages and needs of each athlete, thus allowing him to discover the best of himself, to learn about his body, to value it, to esteem it.
It is widespread in all regions and provinces: to find out more about activities and awards: 
or on the national website:
In Florence, the CSI has a long history and the current Committee "lives" in the Parish of S. Donato in Polverosa to which it expresses gratitude for the hospitality and is available to organize or support sports but also social, charity and inclusion. 
Our current assistant is Don Simone Pifizzi, Parish Priest of Capodimondo, while the contact person within our parish is the president of CSI Roberto Posarelli, our parishioner (tel. 331 6001236).